- AT93, Lô OTM11-15, Đại Lộ New An Thới, Phường An Thới, Thành Phố Phú Quốc, Tỉnh Kiên Giang
DDT Hotel also has plenty of resources on-site, providing everyday comforts within the hotel’s cozy limits. Grab a cup of morning motivation at Coffee in the lobby as a salty breeze floats through the air. For lunch or dinner at the hotel, take a seat at Restaurant where authentic Vietnamese cuisine is served every day. Also served at Cá Restaurant is the complimentary breakfast buffet where guests are encouraged to begin their day.
Địa điểm: Kế Bên Khách Sạn
Hotline: 0226.246.0979
Email: toanthangbasao39@gmail.com
Giờ mở cửa: Thứ Hai - Chủ Nhật (06:30 – 22:00)